Hey all, I hope you've all had a great Christmas season. At first, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't due to me not having any Christmas spirit at all. Over the years, it seemed as if my capability of feeling good and having the so-called "Christmas spirit" has gone down. The novelty of Christmas music has faded a long time ago due to having it crammed down my throat while working years of retail and customer service. I'm getting to the age where I don't really want much that I can't get myself. And even buying presents for others, normally I'd be glad to shop for my family (particularly my nieces and nephews) but I get down on myself wanting to get them more than I can afford. Also, much like last year, I actually didn't have anything to do on Christmas Day due to my family's celebrations schedule being shifted around. But thankfully I did get to spend time with my family. And even though I wasn't expecting to get much, I received more than enough presents. Of course, I couldn't get the things I really want in life: namely a better paying job and a decent girl that won't ignore me or run away whenever I try to talk to her. But until those come, I guess I have plenty else to occupy my time with.
From Me: Fallout New Vegas
Yeah, I got myself a Christmas present, which I'm sure I previously mentioned in my "Black Friday" entry. At $35, I couldn't pass it up...especially since I only had 15 minutes to complete the order on Amazon, causing me to rush and pick out random things for everyone else. Luckily, I did well, except for getting my sister The Goonies on DVD, which she already had. Ah well.
From Sister #1: Scott Pilgrim vs The World DVD and a Simpsons mug (with hot cocoa)
Honestly, Scott Pilgrim was the only thing that I REALLY wanted this year, holding off buying it myself and giving both of my sisters an idea of what I wanted. Otherwise, I'd just say "Get me whatever".
From Sister #2: A couple of shirts, cookies and lottery tickets
When put that way, it looks like I got shafted. But I didn't. I did managed to win $2 on the lottery tickets and I like cookies. However, I did decide to return one of the shirts, since it was the wrong size (I guess I could squeeze into a Large but I prefer XL). And with that money, I ended up getting Season 5 of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Boom.
From Mom and Stepdad: NBA Jam for the Wii, The Other Guys/Talladega Nights DVDs, new wallet and $50 Best Buy gift card
My mom was kinda confused that I would ask for a sports game but when it's a remake of one of my favorite games that I used to play on my Super Nintendo when I was younger, I wanted to give it another go. Ironically enough, I haven't even tried the new version yet. I didn't even ask for The Other Guys but considering I missed it in theaters while a few of my friends thought it was great, I was glad to get it. Oddly enough, while The Other Guys was Widescreen, it was bundled with a Full Screen copy of Talladega Nights. Normally I loathe Pan & Scan but after watching it, it wasn't that bad. I'd still prefer a Widescreen copy though. But what I was most psyched about was the Best Buy gift card, which I used to get Fable III and John Woo's The Killer on DVD. Despite having NBA Jam and Fallout New Vegas, I've been playing Fable III the most so far. I might do a review of it after I play through it more but honestly, as a big fan of Fable II, I'm still getting used to the changes.
From Dad and Stepmom: $130 gift card and a zip-up sweater
I was definitely glad to get the gift card...but not to blow it on whatever I wanted. Honestly, with work slowing down and me not getting a lot of hours, I actually used almost $100 of that gift card on groceries that'll hopefully last me through the winter. But I did have enough left over to buy some things I actually wanted. I got a copy of Watchmen for cheap while I was buying groceries and I used the rest to buy a couple of wrestling DVDs: the Chris Jericho set and WWE's Highest Flyers. I haven't been able to buy any wrestling DVDs lately so these were the first ones in a while.
And that's about it. To some, it may not look like I got much. But trust me, I got more than what I actually wanted. I don't know what I'll write about next but since there's only a week left in the year 2010, I should have my Best Of lists for movies and music up somewhat soon. And who knows when my friends and I do another podcast. Or maybe I'll just get drunk on New Year's and see what happens. I'll see you in 2011.
Monday, December 27, 2010
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