It's been about a year and a half (give or take a few months) since I've started this blog. And though I haven't exactly tried my hardest (especially late), I've still been kinda disappointed in my efforts of becoming a T-List semi-star Internet critics. I mean, I figured I'd at least be invited to one of The Cinema Snob's coke parties or an orgy at TGWTG's headquarters. Just kidding. But seriously, I started this blog to get noticed and to have a voice. I know there's an audience out there that thinks this sort of inane rambling about nerdy shit is funny, but I still haven't found it. I've gotten a decent amount of hits but as far as I know, they're all from people I tell to read my stuff, which I don't like doing. Considering a good 90% of the feedback I've gotten from people have either come from a friend who is currently in Basic Training and a friend who is traveling across the UK, it's hard to tell if I'm doing anything right, wrong or even remotely interesting and readable. So I've been thinking a bit about what to do to help rejuvenate my interest in writing my own damn blog and getting my name out in the world. As a great man once said "Enough is enough, and it's time for a change." And if you'll read on, it looks like I have plenty.
Change #1 - I've actually started writing for another upstart website. Here's the short story - The main forum/message board I frequent on the Internet is the one for However, late last year, due to some internal struggle or whatever inside information that I'm not privy to and/or don't really care about, Wrestlecrap and the forum kinda split away from each other. Honestly, I never thought it was that big of deal, since Wrestlecrap was only being run by like 3 or 4 people, and thus we were only really losing those 3 or 4 people. We still had a pretty tight community. However, we didn't have our own website. We were just a forum floating around in the ethers of the Internets, pretty much associated with a website that we're not affiliated with anymore. So, the main guys that were left running the forum put their minds together and ended up creating the Freaking Awesome Network (or FAN for short), which is (so far) a collection of articles, essays, reviews, interviews, what-have-youse from some of the forum-goer. It officially launched last week but I wanted to wait until I had settled on a final decision to make an announcement...which coincidentally came on the same day that my article was posted. Yeah, I'm an ass.
Anyways, I'm going to be writing a series of articles entitled "Wrestling With Extra Sleaze", showcasing some of the seedier elements of professional wrestling. I've started with an episode of WEW (Women's Extreme Wrestling) but considering that I have over 40+ episodes of this particular show on DVD to review, I haven't quite decided if I'm going to be doing them one-by-one in a row or what. But trust me, I have plenty of other things to review that falls in this category. But because of this, I will be devoting much of my writing to FAN and not so much Sarcasmatron anymore. That's not to say that I won't be writing on Sarcasmatron, I still have a few ideas for reviews or articles that might not necessarily work for FAN, but I need to focus on something and I've lost my focus here. I don't know if FAN's going to blow up or not, but if it does, I want to be a part of it and say "I was there when it started". And really, much of my so-called "writing" has just been me rambling about random movies I've seen or things I feel like talking about. Which brings me to...
Change #2 - Podcasts. Yup, I'm doing them, thanks to the one person who voted with an "I Don't Care" in my last poll. Ass. Anyway, I felt kinda inspired when one of my stand-up comic buddies started a podcast of his own (The Steve Wherry Comedy Podcast, it's also on iTunes) and thought "Hey, I could do this." Then I thought "Hey, I'm kinda already doing this on my blog, only in text form that no one reads." And really, that's the main reason I'm going to revert to podcasts more often: Ease of use. It's much easier for you to just listen to me ramble about whatever in the background while you work on something important, work out or just work it to Internet porn (I won't judge). And it'll be easier for me as well. I can just hit record, talk for a half hour or so, edit it a bit, upload it and be done with it in an hour or so instead of sitting in front of a computer screen all day stumped for a punchline. Right now, the plan is to record and edit the podcast over the weekend and upload it on Monday or Tuesday, probably. I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and already have the first few podcasts planned out, as far as content goes. It won't exactly be just me rambling about movies and wrestling or such, but instead each podcast should have a specific theme, at least at the onset. Much like just about everything I do, this will be an on-going work in progress.
As an aside, I think in an effort to get more writing on this site, but mostly an effort to lay the insane amount of video games I've left unplayed, I may do a monthly feature called "Game of the Month" or something. Basically, I'll just take one video game for the month and play that and only that (aside from random games of Puzzle Quest). It won't necessarily be a review but maybe a log of what I did when, if I was able to beat it, if I ragequit because I couldn't beat it, any random happenings and glitches that I thought were funny, whatever comes up. Trust me, I have plenty of games I need to play, but I'll probably only restrict this to the backlog of games for the Wii considering I don't have my own XBox 360 and thus won't be able to play a whole lot of those games. More details to come on that as I work on them.
Change #3 - This is more of a personal change than a website change but I should be coercing myself to do more with my stand-up comedy. Like I've said before, I don't really intend on having a serious career in stand-up comedy, but it is another creative outlet for me and another way to get my name out in the world. And, most importantly of all, it's about the only time I get out of my bedroom besides work and hanging out with my friends. I don't really go to many Open Mics as I should. I'd like to get footage of my performances for feedback purposes and to get them circulated a bit but the Open Mic shows haven't been recorded lately, and the only camera I have is the crappy 1 Megapixel one on my cell phone, so who knows what'll be up with that.
But I had a confirmed thought at a recent Open Mic a few weeks ago. I'd call it an "epiphany" but it's something I've been thinking about for a while now. Anyways, I did a routine that I thought was funny. And some of the comics and a few friends who showed up thought it was funny too. But the crowd as a whole didn't think so. It wasn't just me either, they were pretty silent for most of the other comics as well. So, I thought I was funny and a few people thought I was funny, which I was actually fine with, but since everyone didn't think I was funny, it didn't really matter in the long run. Needless to say, no one other than the 3 or 4 people I already knew wanted to talk to me after the show. This is a trend I've noticed throughout some of the more important aspects of my life too. When it comes to dating, I know I'm an awesome, funny and caring guy, but since other girls don't see that, it doesn't really matter what I think or do. When it comes to writing, I know I'm decent at it, but no one outside my group of friends reads it (and even then I'm not sure who actually does) so it doesn't really matter what I write. It's the old "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" question. The answer isn't "Yes" or "No" but really "Who gives a damn?" All this time, I've been making noises alone in a forest. It's time I got people to start listening.
Oh yeah, to the first person who reads this (which will probably be me), congrats on being my 2500th viewer.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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I'm #2650. Does that mean anything?