Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Look at the 2010 Summer Movie Season - Part 1
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is you're cat an oven? if so, finish this sentence: My pants like too...
Yes. My are cat an oven. And I think you finished that sentence for me, you just forgot some punctuation. My pants like, too.
Seriously, is this you Peter Chimaera?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mega Movie Review #1 - Murder Set Pieces
With that said, if there's any movie that can be considered "torture porn", it's Murder Set Pieces.
(Warning: What follows is not only a full recap of a disturbing movie...but my questionable "Photoshop" skills do come into play. So not only will this review offend your morals, it might offend your eyes as well. Reader discretion is advised.)
Monday, April 19, 2010
If you could be any kind of animal, and yet in no way associated with being a furry, what would you be and why?
Thanks for clarifying about the furry business. I want no part in that scene whatsoever. Anyways, to answer your question, I think I'd like to be a monkey. I get to climb trees, eat bananas with my feet and throw poop. Sounds like a sweet life.
Kick-Ass Review, Eating a Double Down and Living To Tell The Tale and Fuckin' Magnets.
Yes, I ate a Double Down. And somehow I'm still here to write this.
Friday, April 16, 2010
If you had to learn a foreign language what would you learn and why?
Japanese, mostly because I'm a sucker for Japanese culture and would love to at least visit there someday. Not to mention everything just sounds cooler in Japanese, don't you think?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Results Are IN! (Kinda) And Yet More Random Stuff.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What's your favorite feature on a female?
Leather upholstery and optional sunroof. But seriously, it depends on the girl. Sometimes I like their eyes. Sometimes I like their smile. I pay attention to the way they do their hair or how they wear what they're wearing. If they can get any combination of the above, even better.
PS - Boobs.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Bunch of Random Crap and YOU Choose My Next Article!
Ryan, seriously, what the fuck is up with giraffes?
What isn't up with giraffes? I bet they don't have to go to the chiropractor.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
what are you're thoughts on TNA pushing Eric Young yet letting Christopher Daniels go?
I like Eric Young so I have no problems with them pushing him. But letting Daniels go is a dumb move. He's probably one of the best all-around guys TNA has and can definitely be depended on when all the WCW rejects have a crappy match.