Monday, July 25, 2011

Sarcasmatron Audio Time Go! #4 - Birthday Bad Movie Blowout Bonanza

Wa-hey!  I have a podcast!  I believe it's the longest one I've done thus far (on my own, at least) but really it's just me talking about what movies I've acquired recently.  Most of them suck.  But I also got my own Blu-Ray player so I talk a bit about how that's only going to make my movie buying habits even worse.  Also, I checked out Captain America: The First Avenger and gave it a mini-review.

So here it is!

Download Link (Right Click - Save As)

A few things before I go:

I did decide to take a trip to Borders this morning (as the podcast was recorded yesterday) but didn't get a whole lot.  Deals on books are pretty "meh" right now.  On average, most of them are only 20% off, some are 10% while a few are 30% but that's all.  So really, if you take into account the markup that Borders normally puts on their stuff, chances are you could still get the same thing for cheaper off of Amazon.  Surprisingly enough, Blu-Rays were 40% off while DVDs were only 20% off.  I'm thinking they must want to get rid of them quickly, especially considering they don't have a whole lot to begin with.  So that brings the average Blu-Ray disc down to about $20 right now, but I managed to snag Zombieland for $15.  Sweet.  Here's what I got from my first Borders haul:

Zombieland on Blu-Ray
Knightriders on DVD
My Custom Van by Michael Ian Black
Latest issue of Decibel magazine

Total: $41

Not too shabby but I'm going to wait a week or two before I go back.  There were still a few things I wanted but not really worth paying that much for, even with the current discounts.

Also, I got my Amazon order today, which was the International Cut of Red Cliff on Blu-Ray, which I believe I said was 4 hours long on the podcast but the sticker on it says 5 hours (yikes!), and Writing Movies For Fun And Profit by Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant.  So now I own books written by over a quarter of the cast from The State.  Could've been more had I picked up Michael Showalter's book at Borders today but I'll pick that up later if they still have it. 

Finally, I'm thinking about deleting the Facebook page for Sarcasmatron.  Considering my Writing/Comedy page also posts links to the blog and much more, having a page just for the blog is kinda redundant and dumb.  I realize there's only like 5 of you who have liked the Sarcasmatron page and not my Writing/Comedy page so if you want to keep up to date on the blog and my writing stuff (as well as comedy appearances if you're in the Toledo/BG area), then I suggest you make the move to my other Facebook page.  I have it linked in the sidebar but just in case I don't, here's a link instead.

Have a fun!

Song Credits
Intro Song: Dying Fetus - Schematics
Outro Song: Alan Menken - Star Spangled Man

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