Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sarcasmatron Audio Time Go Episode #1 - The Macho Man Appreciation Station

Well, it took a little while but here it is: my first podcast.  I probably could have had this up a few days ago but I procrastinated a bit.  All I really had to do was edit in some music and upload it, a process that should only take about a few hours, but I stretched it out over the course of a few days.  Yeah, I'm lazy.  As you'll figure out pretty quickly, I've never really done this on my own before so PLEASE leave some sort of feedback as to how I can make this better.  I realize it's kinda all over the place and I do stumble on my words quite a bit so I need to know what I can do to not suck.  Anyway, the topics for my first episode:

-Stupid Therapists
-(Not) Buying Video Games
-A Tribute to the Macho Man Randy Savage
-Upcoming Superhero Movies

A few corrections before I post the link: I mentioned that Randy Savage passed away "this past Friday" since I recorded this last Sunday.  But since I'm now posting this on Saturday, technically that's not true.  Whatever.  Also, I call the Ultimate Warrior "crazy".  I'd like to apologize for that a bit since he put up a very touching tribute to Savage on YouTube after his death.  Don't get me wrong, I still think he's crazy, but at least he's redeemed himself a little bit.

I debated whether or not I wanted to put this on a legit podcasting site.  I wanted to upload it to Podbean but their free service doesn't offer nearly enough storage space.  The next step up was only $5 a month but I figure I better play it safe and see if this takes off before I start throwing money into it.  So for now, I'm hosting it on along with my Sarcasmatron @ The Movies podcasts.  If people catch on and listen to it (and I can afford it), I'll move it to a dedicated site.

Download Link (Right Click, Save As)

Intro Song: Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Forgotten In Space (Voivod Cover)
Outro Song: Edward Elgar - Pomp and Circumstance No. 1 in D Major

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