Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Final Blockbuster Haul, A Little Kid Points To His Junk, When LARPers Attack and More!

So I decided to go back to Blockbuster one last time before they closed for good a few days ago.  Needless to say, there wasn't much left and I didn't walk out with much.  In fact, I only ended up getting two movies, Thirst and Angel of Death.  Thirst is a vampire movie from Oldboy director Park Chan-Wook and Angel of Death is actually a movie turned into a web series starring Zoe Bell (aka the stuntwoman from Death Proof aka the only non-Kurt Russell person in that movie that I didn't want to punch in the face).  I also got another Boondock Saints II poster for my friend as they had one left at about $1.  Despite this being the last hurrah, I'm not sad as I've never stepped foot into a Blockbuster until now and probably won't again, even though there's still two more open in in town.  I'm just a sucker for snagging plenty of swag when stores close down.  First Media Play, then Circuit City and now Blockbuster.  So let's take a look back at the cumulative list of what I scored over the past month.

Inglourious Basterds Wall Print
2 Boondock Saints II Posters
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
While She Was Out
Murder Set Pieces
Terror Toons
Battle of the Warriors
Bangkok Dangerous (USA)
Bangkok Dangerous (Thailand)
Hamlet 2
I Love You, Man
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters (For DVD)
Drag Me To Hell
The Rebel
Trick 'r Treat
Punisher War Zone
Run Ronnie Run
Leprechaun 4: In Space
Rambo (surprisingly the only one out of the lot that didn't work)
Crank 2: High Voltage
WWE No Way Out 2007
Angel of Death

There you go, 25 movies and 3 posters for about $175, approximately.

That's not all I got though.  When we got slammed with snow, I dropped by Best Buy to pick up the new HIM album (Screamworks: Love And Theory In Practice) and Zombieland in case I got snowed in.  Screamworks is pretty good but I've only listened to it a few times as background music so I can't accurately give a good review.  Unfortunately, I didn't pick up Zombieland as I wasn't looking to spend $20 on it right now so instead I got the first Crank movie as it was only $5.  I got it just in case I'd get lost watching Crank 2, which I probably wouldn't.  I never really gave the Crank movies much of a chance as, as awesome as Jason Statham is, I figured if you've seen one of his movies you've seen them all.  He's like Owen Wilson where he pretty much plays himself in every movie.  But unlike Owen Wilson, Jason Statham is awesome.  But Crank is like a 90 minute music video on methamphetamines...and it's great!  And now that I'm watching Crank 2 while writing this, it's even more cracked out than the original.  There's about 20x as much boobs in the first 10 minutes of Crank 2 as there are in all of Crank 1 and between the racist characters, the violence, the Full Body Tourettes, it's so offensive that you can't take it seriously at all, which is just the sort of thing I like.

In other news, I found a goof from Back To The Future 3 on YouTube:


I feel bad because it's obvious that the kid has to take a leak.  But still, why did they keep that in the movie?  Why didn't they let the kid just go pee?  But still, from the creepy look on his face, it does look like he's trying to get Elizabeth Shue to hop on his own train.  If nothing else, I did find a new way to try to pick up chicks.

Also, I found a trailer for a new movie called The Wild Hunt.  I'm not going to tell you much about it right now as I want to see if it throws you off as much as it did for me.

OK, I knew it was going to be about LARPing so the beginning part about "staying in character" didn't throw me off.  But after that, it looked like it was going to be a nice comedy or maybe even a fake documentary about a guy worried about being forgotten by his cute nerd girlfriend when she goes off for a fun-filled LARP weekend.  But suddenly...the LARPers kidnap her?  WTF?  That came out of left field!  Not to mention it's totally not true to life as most of those guys would be too nervous to even talk to her let alone kidnap her.  Or the fact that she could probably kick most of their asses anyway, save for the overweight ones that have to wash themselves with a rag on a stick but their stench could knock her out before the chloroform would.  OK, enough with the stereotypical nerd jokes.  But still, I'm pretty confused as to how they came about this idea.  Nevertheless, due to the general unoriginality pervasive in Hollywood today, expect a remake of this in a month with a "gritty and darker" reboot before the end of the year.

Anyways, that's all for me right now.  Come back tomorrow where I'll have a special Valentine's Day themed entry...sort of.  Anyone who knows me well knows that V-Day isn't my most favorite of days.  However, my general loneliness is made that much worse due to the fact that my car is currently being worked on to the tune of $800+ dollars.  I know having a girlfriend is expensive but I never thought I could go broke being single too.

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