Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Stand-Up Comedy Debut

So as I mentioned in my last entry, I decided to take the stage as an amateur in every meaning of the word with a stand-up routine.  You see, a good buddy of mine and aspiring stand-up comedian (who I'll plug later on) has been wanting me to take the stage.  I enjoy making my friends laugh and all but when you know someone who wants to be funny for a living (or at least make a go of it) telling you you're one of the funniest people he knows, that's pretty exciting and humbling at the same time.  So I thought it was worth a shot.  And believe it or not, I do have material.  Coming up with material isn't hard for me, it's performing.  I really don't like public speaking, hence why I've stuck to a written format here on the blog and have only flirted with the idea of doing video logs.  I'm super self-conscious and get nervous easily.  Hell, I just had a good friend of mine take pictures of me so I had something presentable up on my Facebook profile.  For months, I've had a drawing a friend found that vaguely looked like me because I never like how pictures of me turn out so I figured having a professional do them would turn out better.  Well, they turned out alright but it was all due to her and not because I'm good-looking by any means.  Anyways, you can see the sort of psychosis I go through just by getting on stage.  And I was nervous.  My one leg was shaking so bad that if I put any sort of pressure on it, I could've easily tipped over.  I'm sure you can hear the shakiness in my voice as well.  With that said, let me just put the video up so you can see for yourself.

So let me know what you thought in the comments.  Did you laugh?  Did you not?  Should I keep going?  Should I save myself the embarrassment?  I'm sure I can come up with more jokes and fine-tune everything a bit.  I probably wouldn't be doing this blog if I weren't creative in some capacity.  Also, check out this video of the best jokes of the night (including my buddy Jake Dickey) and by all means check out the YouTube profile for the Open Mic Comedy Night to see everyone's full routines.  Honestly, everyone did a great job that night and showed some promise.

Dickman out.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed no shakiness dude. You were funny, and seemed relaxed. Remember that most often we are our own worst critics...what you may have noticed and obsessed over, no one else even cared.

    Seriously good job dude!
