Saturday, November 13, 2010

The First "Sarcasmatron @ The Movies" Podcast is UP!

Alright, I know I've mentioned doing a podcast for the blog before, especially since we recorded one a good couple weeks ago and I haven't been motivated enough to actually post it.  Well, wonder no more because I have finally posted the first in a series which I like to call "Sarcasmatron @ The Movies" to  The more you listen to this, it will become plainly obvious that this is a trial run.  If we get enough listeners and receive enough feedback, then we'll keep doing them.  Trust me, I have plenty of bad movies to choose from.

Unfortunately, I'm apparently having issues with posting an embedded player on the blog, here's your options:

Go to the page HERE


Download the mp3 HERE


  1. That Farook Alatan guy sounds like a fat retard. His voice sounds so stupid.

  2. Come on now, we all have a little fat retard inside of us. Even you! You just have to believe...
