Monday, December 27, 2010
In Which I Brag About All The Stuff I Got For Christmas
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sarcasmatron @ The Movies: The Fantastic 4 (1994)
Go to the page HERE
Download the mp3 HERE
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Random Movie Roundup: Part...Whatever
Friday, November 26, 2010
"African-American" Friday Madness Redux!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A Whole Lotta Nothin'
I really need something to turn things around soon or else.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The First "Sarcasmatron @ The Movies" Podcast is UP!
Unfortunately, I'm apparently having issues with posting an embedded player on the blog, here's your options:
Go to the page HERE
Download the mp3 HERE
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Most Depressing Review of Jackass 3D Ever
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween Random Movie Roundup
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sweetest Day Random Movie Roundup
Until then, have a look at some of the movies I've watched recently. Hey, it's Sweetest Day. What the hell else am I supposed to do today?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Where I've Been and Another Random Movie Roundup
In other news, I checked my email earlier today to find that Russell Brand wants to be my friend on MySpace. First of all, people still use MySpace? I sure as hell don't. And secondly, I'll friend him only if I get a crack at Katy Perry. Dude used to be a junkie (and still looks like one) so I'm sure he knows how deals like these work.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Machete Review
Sunday, September 5, 2010
My Stand-Up Comedy Debut
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What I've Been Up To and Another Random Movie Round-Up
And that's something I'd like to rant about a little bit: Motivation. I have none.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Nic-Cellence: The Films of Nicolas Cage - #1 Ghost Rider
Monday, August 23, 2010
Piranha 3D Review
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs The Expendables: A Movie Review x2
But before I go into those two movies, I'll go into some of the trailers that I saw and see if there's anything worth looking forward to in the next few months.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Return of Random Movie Roundup and More!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Random Movie Roundup (And Rollout!)
Anyways, enough of that. In other news, thanks to all one of you reading this...OK, let me sidebar for a second. I joke about how little my readership is quite often, but seriously, I know more than 1 freaking person reads this so you'd think I'd have more votes whenever I put up a poll. Anyways, thanks to the 1 person that voted, I will be reviewing Ghost Rider next. However, it won't be a standard movie review...I don't think. I realize that I'm still trying to figure out which format I should go with reviewing movies but I'm going to try something new yet again with this. As you can probably infer from the range of choices in the poll, I'm toying with making reviews of Nic Cage movies a recurring feature here on Sarcasmatron, seeing that he's pretty much the unofficial mascot of the blog at this point. So it looks like Ghost Rider will be the first. Eh, could be worse. I was seriously hoping you guys wouldn't pick The Wicker Man.
So, in an effort to get some sort of new content up here, I'm just gonna talk about the random stack of movies I've been watching the past few weeks, complete with arbitrary grades. How fun!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Predators Mini-Review And More
Saturday, July 10, 2010
HELP! I'm Being Blaxploited!
Monday, July 5, 2010
And Yet, More Nothing...
Anyway, much like my last blog entry. This one's not going to be very long because I'm still having trouble finding stuff to write about. But hopefully that'll change for a couple of reasons.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
What would you do with your life if you could do anything and were not constrained by the things that currently constrain you?
I would create. I'm not exactly sure what but I would spend my time creating things that bring joy to others. I do a lot of thinking and a good chunk of it is trying to find out where my strengths are, what my talents are and how I can build them up so that I may be able to make something that I'm not only proud of and can say "Yes, I did that!" but something that can entertain, make people laugh and help them enjoy life more, if only for a moment.
That or sleep. A lot.
Monday, June 21, 2010
This Is What Happens When You Have Nothing To Write About
Which brings me to my current quandary: I have nothing to write about right now.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Look at WWE NXT: Season 2
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The A-Team Mini-Review and Other Things I've Watched Lately
Anyway, I decided to check out The A-Team last night with a few friends and it was quite fun. But as much as I liked it, there's not really a lot to talk about, which is another reason why this blog entry may run a bit short. The A-Team is very much a "What You See Is What You Get"-type of movie. If you've seen the trailers, you can pretty much tell whether or not you want to see it. If you want to see it, you'll know exactly what you're in for. And if you don't, there's nothing that's going to make you change your mind. Simply put, if you think people shooting airplanes out of the sky from a parachuting tank is awesome, then you'll love the movie. If you think it's dumb, then you'll hate it. Simple as that.
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you recently?
A girl called me "cute" recently. Not really "cute" as in "OMG you're so good looking, I want you NOW!" but "Aw, you're so nice."...which I normally hate as I've only heard "You're so nice" as some sort of excuse but she did actually use the word "cute" so I accepted it. She also asked why I didn't have a girlfriend and I could've given her a whole list of reasons but I decided to just accept the compliment.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Aside from Japan, what country would you most like to visit in the world?
Hong Kong!
Ok, since I'd go to Hong Kong for many of the same reasons I'd go to Japan, I guess I should pick something else. I don't know, I think England would be nice, visiting all the little burghs and such. Speaking as a metalhead, Norway would be fun...but I hate snow so maybe not.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
6 (And A Half) Reasons Why Dragonball: Evolution Isn't THAT Bad
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What is your favourite sushi roll?
Just about anything from Uraku in Bowling Green *shameless plug* To be more precise, anything that ends in the word "Deluxe", on the rare chance I can actually afford it.
I'm partial to anything tuna or crab. I'm not a big fan of the California Roll, though.
Why do guys like to make fun of each other (and other people) so much?
Because we have low self-esteem and it makes us feel better. Hell, I'll admit it.
But like I tell my friends "I make fun of you because I like you." It's like a form of endearment via ridicule. If I didn't like you, chances are I'd probably just not talk to you. If I feel comfortable enough around you to say dumb stuff and believe you won't punch me in the face, that shows trust.
Or something. I'm not really sure what I'm talking about.
Oh yeah, and I make fun of people I don't know because they're stupid. So there.
Monday, May 31, 2010
What's stopping you from going back to school and getting your bachelors?
Kinda personal one there but OK. First of all, I thought my Associate's would be enough...but then I moved out from the middle of Cornfield-vania and out into the oh-so-dreaded "real world" and realized I was gravely mistaken. Now, I just don't have the money to go back. Simple as that. And I really don't want to take out massive amounts of loans because about the only part of my life that doesn't suck is the fact that I have zero debt (except from a few recent hospital bills).
Friday, May 28, 2010
So, Guess Who Made It On TV After All?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Live Report: WWE Raw 5-23-10
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Your favourite song of all times and why?
Even though I try to listen to a lot of music, I think I'm gonna go with my standby answer and pick "One" by Metallica. It's nice and long and epic. Plus the video scared me when I was little and still kinda gets to me now.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Random Concert Review: Horse The Band/MC Chris 5-14-10
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Who do you most admire and why?
Abraham Lincoln. I'm not even exactly sure why either. I know he abolished slavery and all, which was awesome. It could be the awesome beard. It may be the fact that I still have a tiny cheap-ass figurine of him that I got at the dentist's office and still display it on my desk because I think it's so cool. Abraham Lincoln kinda seems like the ultimate human being.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Matter Eating. No, it's not something I made up for all you non-comic geeks. Look up Matter-Eater Lad. It seems like such a useless power. "Oh hey, the city's in trouble. Let me eat this fire hydrant!"
That or Chainsaw Fingers. I'd imagine that's pretty useless too.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My Top 5 Hot Chicks At The Moment (or Why I'll Probably Remain Single)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?
Around the ankles, maybe? Then again, I don't know why just the toes would be gone, so let's say the whole foot is gone too. I doubt they'd just wrap it around the leg like some sort of garter, so maybe the fingers?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Do you still have tonsils?
Yes, and I feel guilty when there are so many poor people in this world that go through life without tonsils. Maybe I should donate mine.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Iron Man 2 Review
If you had to choose between punching a hipster and punching a ghetto thug, without fear of retribution from either, which would you choose? Choosing both is not an option.
Punching a hipster BY FAR! I can't even measure how far of a margin it would be. And that's not even factoring in that a ghetto thug would probably kill me if I punched him. Hipsters exist solely to be beaten. At least ghetto thugs have supplied our civilization with "sampling".
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Can you give me a mock session of how you would teach sex education to a child?
Me: 'Sup kid.
Kid: 'Sup.
Me: Internet wants to know how I'd teach you about the birds and the bees.
Kid: You mean, like doing it?
Me.: Yup.
Kid: Don't worry about it. I've already had sex more times than you anyways.
Me: Fair enough. Good talk.
Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
No. However, it is rude if they are holding food in their hands while signing.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Random Quickie: What I'm Doing and What's Ahead
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A Look At The 2010 Summer Movie Season - Part 2
Anyway, let's dive back in, starting with July:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Look at the 2010 Summer Movie Season - Part 1
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is you're cat an oven? if so, finish this sentence: My pants like too...
Yes. My are cat an oven. And I think you finished that sentence for me, you just forgot some punctuation. My pants like, too.
Seriously, is this you Peter Chimaera?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mega Movie Review #1 - Murder Set Pieces
With that said, if there's any movie that can be considered "torture porn", it's Murder Set Pieces.
(Warning: What follows is not only a full recap of a disturbing movie...but my questionable "Photoshop" skills do come into play. So not only will this review offend your morals, it might offend your eyes as well. Reader discretion is advised.)
Monday, April 19, 2010
If you could be any kind of animal, and yet in no way associated with being a furry, what would you be and why?
Thanks for clarifying about the furry business. I want no part in that scene whatsoever. Anyways, to answer your question, I think I'd like to be a monkey. I get to climb trees, eat bananas with my feet and throw poop. Sounds like a sweet life.
Kick-Ass Review, Eating a Double Down and Living To Tell The Tale and Fuckin' Magnets.
Yes, I ate a Double Down. And somehow I'm still here to write this.
Friday, April 16, 2010
If you had to learn a foreign language what would you learn and why?
Japanese, mostly because I'm a sucker for Japanese culture and would love to at least visit there someday. Not to mention everything just sounds cooler in Japanese, don't you think?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Results Are IN! (Kinda) And Yet More Random Stuff.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What's your favorite feature on a female?
Leather upholstery and optional sunroof. But seriously, it depends on the girl. Sometimes I like their eyes. Sometimes I like their smile. I pay attention to the way they do their hair or how they wear what they're wearing. If they can get any combination of the above, even better.
PS - Boobs.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Bunch of Random Crap and YOU Choose My Next Article!
Ryan, seriously, what the fuck is up with giraffes?
What isn't up with giraffes? I bet they don't have to go to the chiropractor.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
what are you're thoughts on TNA pushing Eric Young yet letting Christopher Daniels go?
I like Eric Young so I have no problems with them pushing him. But letting Daniels go is a dumb move. He's probably one of the best all-around guys TNA has and can definitely be depended on when all the WCW rejects have a crappy match.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wrestlemania 26, The Game (the book, not Triple H) and A Bunch of Crappy Movies.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Trying To Keep Up
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Return and Spoil Suprises.
And with that out of the way, it's time for me to ruin the surprise I had been touting for the past month or so.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Taking A Break
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A Few Random Quickies
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Reading Is FUNdamental, NXT Week 2 and Other Random Crap.
But anyway, I won't be going back to my least not right away. I'm going back to something I haven't done in a lonnnnnnnnggggggg time: reading. As in actual books, to boot!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A Look At WWE NXT And A Bunch Of Random Stuff Too
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bangkok Dangerous vs Bangkok Dangerous
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I Totally Wish I Had Photoshop Skillz (The Wrestling Edition)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
HIM Screamworks Review, Along With Another Movie Store Closing And More.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Pick-Up Artist Debacle
Enter a goon with a fuzzy hat and goggles.
I don't really like using Sarcasmatron as a personal forum as I want people to laugh and be entertained. I have done personal blogs for people to read but 1) It doesn't solve any of my problems and 2) No one gives a crap. This will probably be the most personal entry on here but I feel it fits as it does have to deal partly with the entertainment industry. So gather 'round as I tell the tale about how I almost-kinda-sorta-didn't-really get on The Pick-Up Artist.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Final Blockbuster Haul, A Little Kid Points To His Junk, When LARPers Attack and More!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ryan's Underrated Movies of the Decade
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Super Bowl XLIV-aganza...Where I Write About Going To Blockbuster Again.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oscar Nominations, Ong Bak 3 and A Bunch Of Other Random Crap
Monday, February 1, 2010
My Massive Blockbuster Haul (Part 3) And Some Grammy Thoughts
Saturday, January 30, 2010
My Massive Blockbuster Haul (Part Deux)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My Massive Blockbuster Haul
Friday, January 22, 2010
Movie-Mania! (Including Yet Another Horror Movie Marathon!)
Anyway, I'm not here to talk about Inglourious Basterds or Sukiyaki Western Django but the other two films I bought, Let The Right One In and Martyrs, which ended up becoming a little sequel to my Christmas Day Horror Movie Marathon as I played the two back-to-back in a doubleheader a few weeks back.